After a long struggle, the prisoners finally got permission to establish gardens in the courtyards of the prison buildings.
Reportedly, the Isolation Block, D section and the prison hospital had gardens. Evidence of these gardens can still be seen today in the form of some flowers, trees and even a grapevine in the hospital courtyard. These spaces provided opportunities for the prisoners to engage in political debates and hide certain things such as the first draft of the Long Walk to Freedom, which was hidden in the B-section garden.

The sports fields for prisoners comprised of 4 soccer fields and 6 tennis courts. One of the soccer fields also had rugby posts. The fields for prisoners in the D & E general section were close to their cells. The F and G section prisoners shared a field after the Zink Tronk was demolished. Prisoners of the A section were taken to a field near the airstrip. Two (2) of the 6 tennis courts were built by B and A section prisoners, in their own courtyards. The other four courts were built next to the main sports field west of the F & G sections.